1. Jenkins Q&A

1.1. No valid crumb was included in the request

1.1.1. Q1

Gitlab web hook 的时候提示 No valid crumb was included in the request


Jenkins 的 Post 请求必须带 crumb。或者关闭 jenkins 的 防止跨站点请求

Jenkins > 系统管理 > Configure Global Security > 取消勾选 防止跨站点请求伪造


unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff

参考 https://www.jianshu.com/p/b03e59560d31,codesign命令需要进行签名的时候,会访问keychain来获取打包脚本中对应的证书。通过ssh这种方式访问的时候,是没有访问权限的。需要运行如下命令来获得访问权限:

$ security list-keychains
$ security unlock -p <password> ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db



Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching

Xcode 可以自动选择描述文件进行签名,Jenkins 命令行没法实现,需要把 code sign 改成手动模式。或者可以切换到 jenkins 用户,Xcode 打开工程 > target > general > Signing 自动管理签名


ERROR: Timeout after 10 minutes

Git clone 超时,解决办法参考 https://stackoverflow.com/a/22661553

Edit your job configuration, and under git plugin section:

* Click "Add"
* Click "Advanced clone behaviours"
* Set the number of minutes you want in "Timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operation"

I recommend checking also the "shallow clone" option. It fetches only the last state of the repository (without the history), so it's much faster.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""