1. Native 调用 RN 组件

1.1. 实现过程

JS 注册所有组件

AppRegistry.registerComponent('name', () => Component);

iOS 根据注册的组件生成 RCTRootView

RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation

这样 Native 可以在任何地方使用任何 RN 组件

1.2. 具体过程

JS Redux > JSCore > Native

1.3. 利用原生模块实现 Native 与 RN 互相调用

1.3.1. RN 调原生

原生模块自定义的方法 RN 可以直接调用

1.3.2. 原生调RN


iOS 利用 bridge 的 enqueueJSCall 方法

iOS in RCTBridge.h

 * This method is used to call functions in the JavaScript application context.
 * It is primarily intended for use by modules that require two-way communication
 * with the JavaScript code. Safe to call from any thread.
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args;
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)module method:(NSString *)method args:(NSArray *)args completion:(dispatch_block_t)completion;


参考 https://stackoverflow.com/a/46035341/5266652

To call a JavaScript method from Java, do something like this:

ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager = reactNativeHost.getReactInstanceManager();
ReactContext reactContext = reactInstanceManager.getCurrentReactContext();

CatalystInstance catalystInstance = reactContext.getCatalystInstance();
WritableNativeArray params = new WritableNativeArray();
params.pushString("Parameter 1");
params.pushString("Parameter 3");
catalystInstance.callFunction("JavaScriptVisibleToJava", "nameOfJsMethod", params);

The JavaScript method you want to call must be defined and made visible to Java:

import BatchedBridge from "react-native/Libraries/BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge";

export class ExposedToJava {
  nameOfJsMethod(message) {

const exposedToJava = new ExposedToJava();
BatchedBridge.registerCallableModule("JavaScriptVisibleToJava", exposedToJava);

1.3.3. 方法二



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